Radix Institute
The Creative Process
Volumes I through V
Bulletin of the Interscience Research Institute (Later to be named Radix)
The Creative Process
June 1961 – Volume One – – Number 1
The Creative Process is the Bulletin of the Interscience Research Institute. It is devoted to the discovery and communication of knowledge about the creative process in nature as that process was described by Wilhelm Reich.
– Charles R. Kelley, Ph.D. Editor
The nature and purpose of this publication.
Physicians in training for medical orgone therapy;
Avoiding anti-Reich reprisals; Orgonon open to visitors; the sale
of Orgone Institute Press books; New AMA smear against Reich; other items.
The nature and purpose of this publication.
Physicians in training for medical orgone therapy; Avoiding anti-Reich reprisals; Orgonon open to visitors; the sale of Orgone Institute Press books; New AMA smear against Reich; other items.
Description of the Institute; Trustees; Membership.
Adam Margoshes discusses the new compilation from Reich’s work.
A British book by Paul and Jean Ritter, A. S. Neill, Nie Waal, and Myron Shara£, reviewed by C. R. Kelley.
Description of res’earch proposals, other project activity and plans.
C. R. Kelley revises a meteorological concept.
Review of the British journal, by C. R. Kelley Discusses a controversial article on orgone therapy by David Boadella and a reply by Paul Mathews; other articles.
Plans and progress in the project to obtain republication of Reich’s work.
Organization of monthly meeting to discuss
“member research” problems and techniques.
A list of names for which the Institute does not have the correct current address.
The Ritters’ pioneering work on self regulation is reviewed by Adam Margoshes.
Readers are asked to discuss the problem of the inception of the armoring of the human species.
Program of Research. The Orgone Energy Accumulator. Temperature Experiments. Gravity Experiment. Experiments with Orgone Charged Water.
The Accumulator. Building and Storing the Accumulator. Construction of Nesting Small Accumulators and Control Units. Control Cabinet for a Large Accumulator. Equipment for Charging Water with Orgone Energy.
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The work of the Interscience Research Institute centers about the creative process in nature as this process was described by Wilhelm Reich.· We use the phrase “creative process in nature” in a literal sense, a process which includes the creation of matter and the creation of life. We are not referring to the human creative process in art, but rather to creation in its more general sense. The creative process is, in fact, the natural process at the very root of existence.
Scientific study of the creative process in nature is a difficult and sometimes dangerous undertaking. Man is ignorant of the process, not because it is in itself especially difficult or complex; on the contrary, it is fundamentally simple. It is, however, a process that is obscured by the universal emotional sickness of mankind. This sickness allows creation to be viewed only mystically, as in religious doctrines, or mechanistically, as in present-day orthodox science. Both views are distorted, out of contact with the way nature actually functions, and both are blind alleys with respect to further human development. They have together helped the human race to the verge of self destruction.
All previous efforts to approach the creative process (and man’s loss of contact with it) in a direct and functional manner were either diverted from their goal by distortion of their most essential truth or were destroyed. So the teachings of Christ and Marx have each been distorted by “followers” into grotesque caricatures of their original meaning, while lesser figures like Mesmer and Reichenbach were simply buried by defamation and ridicule. Wilhelm Reich carried his studies so far, however, and exposed so clearly the forces at, work to thwart practical knowledge of the creative process, that the pattern may at last break. Even though the man Wilhelm Reich was destroyed, even though his writings were banned and burned by the very forces he exposed, his work remains. It is simple and clear, ready to be taken up by those who are able.
This Institute aims to extend knowledge of the creative process in nature both in the sense of discovering new facts, and in making those already known more widely available. To do this effectively will require increasing understanding of those forces which have in the past prevented the growth and
extension of practical knowledge about the creative process, forces stemming from man’s universal sickness. To succeed in this aspect of the task, we will need the help of those who have made the study, treatment, and prevention of man’s sickness their life work.
The function of this bulletin is to enable those interested in the creative process to exchange information and ideas. We hope to receive a diversity of material from you. News, an observation, a quotation, comments on a relevant book or motion picture or a full review, as well as scientific articles, descriptions of experimental work, etc., are all welcome. Welcome also are comments, critical or favorable, on any aspect of our work.
We hope to put-out our second issue this fall, and, if all goes well, to begin Volume Two next year as a quarterly. Charter membership dues include the first two issues. Non-members who wish to may subscribe to The Creative Process for five dollars per volume, i.e., the same cost as membership.
This bulletin has to some extent replaced the original idea of more frequent newsletters, Since the primary business of the Institute is research, and since research tends to move slowly, a quarterly periodical should serve our principal need, It will be supplemented by letters or newsletters, how ever, when these appear called for.
What has always astonished me is not that the orgone existed and functioned, but that man, in the course of 20 centuries, so thoroughly overlooked it or argued it away whenever it was observed and described by individual researchers who were close to life.
– Wilhelm Reich Ether,
God and Devil
Physicians in Training
There has been a resurgence of interest in medical orgone therapy on the part of medical students and young doctors in the past two years. Several of the latter have gone into training to become medical orgone therapists. More encouraging than this simple fact, these young doctors are an unusually able group, students of the highest caliber.
The training of medical orgone therapists was many years ago turned over by Reich to Dr. Elsworth Baker, who has carried this responsibility ever since. Dr. Baker’s students respect his ability and thoroughness as
a teacher, and his skill as a therapist is widely known. As a consequence of his effort, young and capable new blood has already been added to the ranks of the therapists, and more is in prospect. To all who are interested in Reich’s work, this is an enormously heartening development.
Most of the young doctors in training must carefully conceal their interest in Reich or face losing the internships and residencies on which their futures depend. One resident was dismissed summarily on this account. Others watch very carefully what they say, what books they carry, etc. It is to the everlasting discredit of America’s medical profession that it has forced this group to become members of an underground.
Avoiding Possible Reprisals
Some potential members of this Institute have said that they are afraid to join. because they are in positions subject to possible anti-Reich reprisals. May we suggest that those in this position do one of the following:
1. Join under a pseudonym. We can protect your identity, keep it off all corporate records, etc., as long as you do not become a voting member of the Corporation. However, true identities of voting members must ·be made available to other voting members.
2. Subscribe rather than join, if this is sufficient precaution.
3. Subscribe and correspond with us through a friend who can relay our material to you. In this case, we need not know your name.
If you make one of these arrangements, we’d appreciate having you explain your circumstances briefly and tell us to what extent you’d like to participate in Institute activities (e.g., member research), if at all.
Orgonon Open to Visitors
Reich’s laboratory and observatory at Orgonon will be open to visitors this summer on Tuesdays and Fridays frorrl 9 a. m. to 12 noon and from
2 to 4 p. m. Orgonon is a beautiful piece of land near Rangeley, Maine. Visiting arrangements have been made possible in accordance with Reich’s own wishes by the representatives of his estate.
Reich’s Books
The Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust Fund requested and received permission from the Department of Health, Educati(?n and Welfare to sell its stock of Orgone Institute Press books banned from sale since 1954 by the injunction. These books have been sold quietly by Farrar, Straus and Cudahy. At the time you read this they are very likely nearly all gone. The Institute still has a few for sale. The Sexual Revolution is sold out, and other titles are down to as few as two or three’ copies. (The Sexual Revolution and The Function of the Orgasm will be republished this year.)
The following are a few reading suggestions for those who have not yet read Reich. If you are familiar with psychoanalysis, Character Analysis is the best starting point, followed by The Function of the Orgasm or, since the latte.r is not presently available, that part of it appearing in the Selected Writings. The Cancer Biopathy makes a good beginning for those oriented primarily toward biological and physical science and forms the basic reference for the member research program. Those most interested in political and social science might best begin with The Mass Psychology of Fascism and proceed to one of the above.
Having read any two of these initial volumes, you probably will want to read all of Reich’s books. They are truly among the most remarkable ever written. Some personal reactions to the others, for what they are worth, follow:
Ether, God and Devil. Describes mysticism and mechanism as specific sources of error in human thought, primitive animism, and Reich’s own functional thought technique. This is the Reich book this writer has reread most often.
Cosmic Superimposition. The superimposition function solves some major riddles of astrophysics (the spiral, arms of galaxies), meteorology (the development of hurricanes), as well as biology. One of Reich is major achievements.
Listen, Little Man … A frank description of the emotional sickness of man, and a personal document of protest by Reich as to his own and others suffering in consequence” of this sickness.
The Murder of Christ. Reich’s interpretation of the life and character of the man Jesus and its mystification and distortion by a sick mankind. Perhaps Reich’s greatest book.
People in Trouble. A biographical volume issued as a companion volume to The Murder of Christ.
AMA Smear
The February issue of Today’s Health, an official publication of the American Medical Association, contained one of the most vicious smears yet made against Reich. In an article by Jack Kaplan entitled “The Health Machine Menace: Therapy by Witchcraft.” Reich is described as a “notorious device quack” who distributed “2000 fake health machines” after he “crossed over into the underworld of medical racketeering.”
Kaplan states further, with respect to the orgone energy accumulator, as follows:
According to the deluded Reich, the device draws into it a form of “cosmic energy” called orgone, which can cure cancer, sexual impotence, and practically any other human ailment. All the patient has to do is sit in the box.
A great many Reichians are treating a substantial number of patients — among them a surprising percentage of white collar people with a fair degree of education — with or gone energy devices. Ana — unfortunately — they seem to be getting away with it!
The article is so viciously slanderous, such a collection of lies, it seems hopeless to attempt to ask for honesty from those responsible. Human decency is sometimes encountered in surprising places, however. The Institute has written the Editor of Today’s Health and the American Medical Association letters of protest requesting a retraction.
Book and Publication Reviews
Lowen’ s Book
Dr. Alexander Lowen’s book, The Physical Dynamics of Character Structure, is closely related to orgone therapy, although it avoids all mention of orgone energy. The book is reviewed in detail by Paul Ritter in the September 1959 issue of Orgonomic Functionalism.
A new book, Summerhill, an anthology compiled from earlier books by A. S. Neill, is receiving excellent reviews and wide publicity. For those who don’t know, Neill founded and directs the pioneer school based on real democracy and self-regulation, Summerhill, in England. Neil’s past writings have all been delightful to read. We expect to review Summerhill in the next issue.
About Reviews
Reviews comprise a large proportion of this issue, partly because the issue covers such a long time span. Reviews will continue to form an important part of our contents, however. We will attempt to review publications dealing directly with orgone energy, plus a large number of others that are related to it. Fiction and motion pictures will also be discussed. We hope that members will call attention to work worth reviewing or, better, submit complete reviews.
Jack Green (publisher of Jack Green’s newspaper) is critical of reviews in general and points out that these are often unfair to authors. He’s right, of course. His technique of selecting direct quotations from a work instead of reviewing it could as easily be unfair, although Green himself chooses his quotations with great care. As I see it, the problem is that frequently the reviewer (or quoter) is a good deal more limited than the author he’s reviewing, and therefore cannot do the author justice. I see no way around this problem. In any case, we will continue to emphasize reviews, hoping that readers will go to the original works reviewed and add their comments to those of the reviewer.
Reich’s Scientific Journals
The Institute does not own a complete set of the scientific journals published by Reich. If you have a duplicate of any is sue, or would be willing to part with issues you have, we will gladly pay twice the listed price. We do have duplicate copies of a few issues and will trade them for those we are missing, issue for issue.
We would also like to obtain copies of
The Orgone Energy Accumulator:
It’s Scientific and Medical Use, Orgonomic Medicine, and other publications dealing with Orgone energy.
Note: We kept this request (dated June 1961) in this article, even though it is not relevant in 2021.
This Institute is planned to provide a framework within which research on the creative process in nature can be carried out. Its charter is broad enough to include scientific and educational activities of all sorts and to provide for almost any direction of development the organization might take. It is hoped, however, that it can keep its primary focus always on the creative process.
The Institute is a non-profit membership corporation of the State of Connecticut. The Corporation powers are vested equally in its active members, who by their votes elect trustees, adopt or change bylaws, etc. The present trustees are the original members.
The chief executive officer of the Institute is the Director, Dr. Kelley. All work for the Institute is coordinated through him: The present Board of Trustees is as follows:
Peter Frank ( Chairman) Dr. Frank, a mathematical statistician and engineer, is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Syracuse University.
Maccabi Greenfield. (Secretary) Mr. Greenfield is an artist and teacher of art, teaching in the Hawthorn School for delinquent and disturbed children. He has been a member of the Board of Control of the Art Student’s League in New York City for many years.
Charles R. Kelley. (Director) Dr. Kelley is also Laboratory Director for Dunlap and Associates, Inc., a firm of scientific consultants.
Trustees are elected yearly by the members, and the Trustees elect the Director. Additional officers may be appointed by the Trustees.
The Institute has approximately 50 members as of this ,writing. About 200 people have so far been extended invitations to join. Others will be invited to join as we:.learn of their interest. Members are asked to continue sending names of prospective members.
The Institute has no endowment, no paid staff. It owns only a few hundred dollars’ worth of scientific equipment, books, and supplies. It has been supported primarily by Dr. Kelley’s contributions. A major problem is developing sources of income to carry on the Institute’s program. (Membership dues may just about cover the yearly cost of this Bulletin.) Research grants from public or private agencies may eventually prove an important source of income. At present, however, individual donations must remain the Institute’s chief support.
The Interscience Research Institute has no affiliation with any other organization. It is not connected with the American Association for Medical Orgonomy, the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust Fund, or the Orgone Institute.
It will, however, cooperate with any organization interested in the same goals and will assist such organizations in any way it can in furthering the interests we hold in common.
All members of the Institute are eligible to become active, voting members. The Institute bylaws require the Board of Trustees to establish criteria of active membership and to decide when these criteria are met. Each year the voting members will be determined for the year to come, based on member activities in __ the year completed. The Board is now considering fair standards of member activity. It is still too early to fix such standards, for we don’t know how much work our members can and will put into the organization.
We will, of course, stay within the statement on the invitation to membership, but this allows substantial leeway. The essential point is that the active member contributes work which is of value to the Institute. It has been suggested that active membership be extended to those members who:
1. Write scientific articles, or other material of equivalent value, published by
the Institute;
2. Teach courses for the Institute;
3. Serve as Officers or Trustees;
4. Carry out volunteer services for the Institute averaging one day per month or more;
5. Contribute member research, the quality and quantity of which makes it of value to the Institute comparable with the above activities.
The Board of Trustees welcomes comment on these suggested standards.
Wilhelm Reich. Selected Writings:
An Introduction to Orgonomy.
Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, New York. 1960.
Reich never took the time — he never had the time to take — to write a systematic presentation of his ideas, such as Freud made in A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis. Nor has this omission so far been made good, as many of us have hoped it would be, by any of his colleagues. The present volume is not a systematic survey of orgonomy, but it is the next best thing, a general introduction to the subject in Reich’s own words, taken from The Function of the Orgasm, Character Analysis, The Cancer. Biopathy, Ether, God and Devil, Cosmic Superimposition, The Murder of Christ, and a few articles from the ergonomic journals.
The selections are well chosen. Not only do they cover the major fields of Reich’s work, but — equally important — they show the “red thread” of natural, rational connection leading from the orgasm reflex to cosmic superimposition, No one who reads this book carefully can continue to believe that Reich’s findings — no matter how contrary to preconceived expectations –are in any way “far -fetched. “
Good as this volume is, I believe it could have been a little better. One improvement would have been the addition of editorial matter. The foreword says, “Those who seek knowledge must go to its source.” The readers of this book have gone to the source, and they are entitled to whatever additional knowledge is available — such knowledge as could have been included in an introduction by one of the orgonomists. Another small thing, but not unimportant: no acknowledgment is made of Dr. Theodore Wolfe and the other translators. It seems to me a fundamental principle of work democracy to give credit where credit is due. The Selected Writings performs a valuable service in introducing orgonomy to a wider public. It can be useful even to those who already own the published works of Reich, and for everyone else it is indispensable. – Adam Margoshes
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