Radix Institute
The Works of Dr. Charles KelleyBibliography of Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
Bibliography of Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
Written monographs, articles, journals and newsletters relating to the concepts and practice of Radix Education and Radix Science, exclusive of training materials. All were published by K/R Publications, Vancouver WA unless otherwise stated. Some are downloadable and some can be purchased in hard copy. Please check here for available free downloads and for hard copies for sale (to come).
LIFE FORCE: The Creative Process in Man and in Nature, Trafford Publishers, Victoria BC, Canada, 2004
Religion, Education, and Government, 2000
Chuck Kelley and Radix Neo-Reichian Bodywork, transcription of an interview by Sandy Shore of Somatics Coalition, Portland OR, 1998
Liberty, Liberalism, and Libertarianism, 1998
The Right and Wrong of Fairness, 1997
The Convergence of Science and Religion, 1996
The Birth of Autonomy, 1995
NOW I REMEMBER: Recovered Memories of Sexual Abuse, With Eric C. Kelley, 1994
THE RADIX – VOL. I: Radix Personal Growth Work and VOL. II: The Science of Radix Processes, (a compilation) 1992
First published in Spanish as one volume: RADIX: Educacion Y Procesos, by Fundacion de Psicologia Columbiana y Ciencias Afines.
Sex and Religion, 1992
Personal Growth and Psychotherapy in Radix Work, 1991 and 2 related articles: Radix Teaching Profession and the Law, and Radix as an Adjunct to the Practice of Psychotherapy
Religion and Personal Growth, 1991
Judaism and Personal Growth, with Reader Commentaries and Author Replies, 1990.
Chuck Kelley’s Radix Newsletters, 1988-93 and 1998 (contents at end of bibliography)
Body Contact in Radix Work, 1988
About Reich and Radix: A Memoir (Parts 1 and 2), 1982
What Is the Matter with Man? The Origin of the Muscular Armor, 1980
Radix as an Adjunct to the Treatment of Cancer, 1980
The Conflict of Feeling and Purpose, 1980
Chuck Kelley’s Radix Journal, 1978-83
(contents at end of bibliography)
Radix-Gefuhlserziehung. DIE NEUEN KORPERTHERAPIEN (Ed. Petzold). Paderborn: Junfermann-Verlag, 1977
Reich, Radix, and the Enhancement of Sexuality, 1977
OPENING THE FEELINGS: THE FUNCTIONAL APPROACH. (The “Red Book.”), 1975 (Out of print; much of its contents appear in THE RADIX, 1992.)
EDUCATION IN FEELING AND PURPOSE (2nd edition 1974; 1st edition 1970)
ORGONOMY, BIOENERGETICS AND RADIX: THE REICHIAN MOVEMENT TODAY, 1974 (Out of print; much of its contents appear in THE RADIX, 1992.)
“The New Education,” in Reason, July, 1973 (Out of print)
Also in Energy and Character, September 1971, January 1972, and in Boadella, D., IN THE WAKE OF REICH
The Danger to American Freedom, (including Research Proposal), 1968 (Out of print)
MANUAL AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1968 (Out of print)
Life and Death of Wilhelm Reich, The. 1962
What Is Orgone Energy? with an introduction by the author 1999, 1962
A NEW METHOD OF WEATHER CONTROL, 1961 including Appendices:
A. The Ending of Wilhelm Reich’s Researches
B. Orgone Energy and Weather
Also in German: EINE NEUE METHODE DER WETTERKONTROLLE, Plejaden Publishers, Berlin, 1985.
The Creative Process, (C.R. Kelley, Editor), 1960-65
(contents at end of bibliography)
The Ending of Wilhelm Reich’s Researches, 1960
[also an Appendix to A New Method of Weather Control, above]
PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS IN MYOPIA. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. New School for Social Research, New York, 1958
Also: “Psychological Factors in Myopia.” Journal of American Optometric Association, Vol. 33, No. 11, 1962. (A summary of the dissertation)
“Orgone Energy and Weather”, In CORE, No.7, 1955 [also an Appendix to A New Method of Weather Control, above]
“Causality and Freedom: A Functional Analysis”, Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. IV, No. 1, New York: Orgone Institute Press. 1952
(Reprinted in The Creative Process, Vol II, No. 4, December, 1962.)
Chuck Kelley’s RADIX JOURNAL Volumes I through III, 1978-83
Several topics were reprinted in THE RADIX compilation of 1992 and also appear in revised form in the 2004 book LIFE FORCE.
Abbreviated Contents
Volume III No. 2, Summer: 1983
“About Reich and Radix: A Memoir, Part 3, Radix Purpose Work”
“The Sharaf Biography of Reich”
“Radix Devices”
“Introduction to Reich’s Appeal Brief”
“Brief for Wilhelm Reich, M.D.
Volume III, No. 1, Winter/Spring: 1982
“About Reich and Radix: A Memoir,” Parts 1 & 2;
“Diet, Exercise and Radix”
“On Contemporary Psychology: Replies to a Questionnaire”
Volume II, Nos. 3 & 4, Spring/Summer: 1980
“The Conflict of Feeling and Purpose” (includes material from “Education in Feeling and Purpose” 1970 and 1974)
“Meditations of a Pain Blocker part 1”
“Radix Physics: Space, Time and the Derivative Shift”
“Questions and Answers on the Educational System”
Volume II, Nos. 1 & 2, Fall 1979/Winter: 1980
“What is the Matter with Man? The Origin of Muscular Armor”
“The Radix Algebra of the Feelings”
“Radix Physics: Radix Processes, Radix Systems and the Problem of Measurement”
“Radix as an Adjunct to the Treatment of Cancer”
Volume I, No. 4, Summer: 1979
“Radix Algebra”
“The Radix Charge Of Living Places”
“Character and Radix Functions”
“The Orgone Accumulator Paradox”
Volume I, No. 3, Spring: 1979
“Learning to Understand the Radix, 2) Personal Experience”
“Freeing Blocked Anger”
“Radix as an Un-cult”
“Freedom and Control of Radix Teaching”
“Radix Research in Yugoslavia”
“On Mysticism and Mechanism”
Volume I, No. 2, Winter: 1979
“Learning to Understand the Radix, 1)Pulsation, Charge and Discharge”
“The Inverted Pyramid”
“On Getting Older”
Volume I, No. 1, Fall: 1978
“Basic Concepts in Radix Feeling Work”
“The Radix Process and the Radix Substratum”
“An Intimacy Problem of Mine”
“Radix Work Across Time”
“A Demonstration Intensive”
“Working Eyes Open”
“The Weatherman’s Lament”
The Creative Process, (Kelley, C.R. Editor), a compilation of Volumes I through V, 1961-1965 with an introduction to the 1974 re-printing.
Volume V, July 1965:
“Orgonomy Since the Death of Reich” (entire volume)
Volume IV No. 2, June 1965:
Editorial, Notes and Comments
Articles by Marc Shapiro, Lawrence Barth, Kenneth Starz & Karl von Reichenbach
Volume IV No. 1, September 1964:
Editorial, Notes and Comments
Articles on orgonomy and art by Adam Margoshes, Marc Shapiro, Lawrence Barth and Alexander Lowen.
Volume III No. 2, March 1964:
Notes and Comments
Articles by Meredith Mitchell, Kenneth Starz, Roger Wescott, Lawrence Barth
Volume III No. 1, August, 1963:
Notes and Comments
“Life and Death of Wilhelm Reich”
Articles by Kenneth Starz, Roger Wescott and a tribute to Dr. Oscar Tropp by Lawrence Barth
Volume II, No. 4, December 1962:
Notes and Comment
”Causality and Freedom: A Functional Analysis”
”Evaluation of the Reich Cloud-Dissipation Apparatus: A Proposal”
Articles by Kenneth Starz and Lawrence Barth
Volume II, Nos. 2 & 3, September 1962:
News and Comment
”What is Orgone Energy?”
”The Effects of Dor”
”Experiments with Orgone; (Paul Ritter Ed.) A Review”
Articles by Adam Margoshes, Roger Wescott, and Barbara Kelley
Volume II No. 1, April 1962:
Editorial: On Mysticism; News and Comment.
Articles by Jerome Eden, Paul and Jean Ritter, Mark Gallert, Adam Margoshes and several contributors commenting on “The Origin of Armoring”
Volume I, No. 2, November 1961:
News and Comment
”Reich’s Last Years”
”William H Bates, Vision Pioneer”
”The Origin of Armoring”
”Summerhill: The Book and the Society”
”Project Weather Control”
Articles by Adam Margoshes, Jerome Eden, Lawrence Barth.
Volume I, No. 1, June 1961:
News and Comments
”Review of WILHELM REICH, A Memorial”
”Project Weather Control”
”Note on Atmospheric Pressure and Orgonotic Charge”
”Review of Orgonomic Functionalism”
”Review of THE FREE FAMILY by Paul and Jean Ritter”
”Member Research” and “Apparatus for Member Research”
”In Memoriam: Dr. William F. Thorburn”
Review of Reich’s SELECTED WRITINGS by Adam Margoshes
Chuck Kelley’s RADIX NEWSLETTERS 1-16, 1988-1993 and 1998
Usually 8 pages of short items, often with brochures, monographs or articles enclosed
#1, August 1988:
CRK Writings
Kelley/Radix Offerings
Things Reichian (ORAC, DeMeo, trip to Orgonon)
#2, January 1989:
Reich’s Orgonon Revisited
Sexuality Enhances
Radix Training & Science Course
#3, August 1989:
Radix Ojai Sold
Science and the Life Force Course
Relation of Feeling and Purpose
Radix and Cancer
Radix and Psychotherapy & Personal Growth
#4, February 1990:
Weather Research
1990 activities (experiential, training, & scientific)
Move to WA State
#5, May 1990:
Judaism, Radix and Personal Growth
Israel Trip with Bar-Levav Group
Cloudbusting, ORAC
Personal in Vancouver, WA
#6, September 1990:
Radix Weather Modification vs. Personal Growth
Responses to Judaism….
Sheldrake and Morphic Resonance
K/R courses, offerings
#7, February 1991:
A Vision Case History
Follow-up to Judaism…
German Weather Control book
2 pieces re cloudbusting (feuding & drouth)
#8, Spring 1991:
Religion, Personal Growth and Life Force
Personal Growth & Psychotherapy in Radix
K/R Training, inc. Concepts & Principles, & Workshops
#9, Fall 1991:
Weather Control & DeMeo-Carlinsky
Religion & Personal Growth
Summer Workshops
A Purpose Exercise (B-L “lifeboat” in space)
Audacity of Education in Purpose
#10, Winter 1992:
Homosexuality continued
Essence of Radix I: K/R Theory of Human Nature
Abortion and other rights
#11, Spring 1992:
Marathons – 2 pieces
Essence of Radix II
Purpose in Action: Competence
Sex – 2 pieces
Example Intensive by Ellen Costantino
Summer Workshops
#12, Fall 1992:
Summer Workshops retrospective
Sex – 3 pieces
The Rift in Radix
K/R Assoc organizational meeting
#13, Winter 1993:
Recovery of Repressed Memories part 1
3 Metaphysical Articles on the Individual and the Universal – by Chuck, John Rierson & Eric Kelley
#14, Spring 1992:
THE RADIX Compilations
Reader Response to “memories” part 1
Recovery of Repressed Memories part 2
#15, Fall 1993:
Reader Response to “memories” part 2
Recovery of Repressed Memories part 3 (conclusion of article)
Meeting Reich
#16, Summer 1998:
About the new book (LIFE FORCE)
Reich’s Centennial
Body-Oriented Psychology
Myron Sharaf tribute
Kelley Publications on Religion
Radix Work with Psychotherapy Clients and with the Public
Chuck’s Dream!