Radix Institute
Publications – StoreLiforce
LIFE FORCE – Charles R. Kelley
Charles R. Kelley, founded Radix, and continued to develop the theory, practice and science. Life Force is the culmination of his thought, presented for the lay reader and professional alike.
321 pages.
US$24.00, C$30.00, EUR20.00, £14.00 Add shipping.
To order, contact information@radix.org
1. Introduction to the Life Force
2. Science and Religion
3. Muscular Armor and Organ Energy
4. Why Human Beings are “Armored”
5. De-Armoring to open the feelings
6. Purpose
7. The Radix Discharge Process
8. The Algebra of Radix Discharge
9. Centering, Source, Self and Soul
10. Superimposition and Mating
11. Autonomy
12. Radix and Physical Science
Cloudbusting and Rainmaking
Convergent Radix Forms and Devices
The Radix Charge of Living Places
For in Spain
Dor, Desert, and Unmated Radix Charge
Reich’s Organe Accumulator
Sheldrake and Morphic Resonance
Landmarks in the Evolution of the Life Force Concept
The Radix Reader
The Radix Reader A Neo-Reichian approach to human growth
Edited by Linda Glenn, Ph.D. and Rudolf Müller-Schwefe, 1999. Heron Press. Published by The Radix Institute.
The Radix Reader is a compilation of writings extending over the history of the Radix movement, and conveys something of the aliveness and creativity of this body-centered approach while, at the same time, setting forth its unique identity and contributions.
To order, contact information@radix.org.
1. Introduction and History
Narelle McKenzie: Our Eyes
William Thrash: An Introduction to Radix Education
Werner Pitzal: The Radix Approach: A Brief Description
Rudolf Müller-Schwefe: Roots of Radix
2. Basic Concepts
Lillian Davis: Introduction to Basic Concepts
Rudolf Müller-Schwefe: Pulsation
Lillian Davis: Integration
Linda Glenn/Austin Glenn: An Adaptation Model of Ego
3. Character and the Way of Working
Joel Isaacs: Anger Blocked by Fear
Will Davis: An Introduction to Instroke
Stephen Atkinson: The Journey from Symbiosis to Differentiation
4. Development and Radix Work
Mark Ludwig: Swimming in a Human Sea
Werner Pitzal: Contact and Relationship
5. Clinical Issues
Mary Ann Kilmartin: Verbal Work in Radix Education
Pam Morgan: Radix Education and Codependency
Wendy Yellen: Radix Techniques in Verbal Work with Incest Survivors
Babette Rothschild: Shock Primer for the Radix Teacher
6. Language and Passion of the Practitioner
Andrea Pitzal: Love and Relationships
Rudolf Müller-Shwefe Radix Glossary
/Lillian Davis
/Werner Pitzal
/Nelly Pasque
/Micha Krenz
/Deborah Motley
7. Bibliography
7.1. Bibliography
7.2. Authors
Living Fully
Engaging with the Intensity of Life – Living Fully
An Introduction to Radix Body Centered Personal Growth Work by Narelle McKenzie & Jacqui Showell.
“The Radix Process teaches each person a deep respect for their being”
To order, contact information@radix.org – US$11.50.
Add shipping: Domestic postage US$6.00. International postage US$20.00. PDF version US$5.
This booklet is for:
People doing Radix work or considering starting Radix work, who want a conceptual understanding of the approach,
Anyone wanting to refer clients to Radix, Those who are simply curious about Radix work and what it involves.
The Aims of Radix Work
Assumptions about Healing
About some Terms Used
What is Radix? Key Concepts of Radix
The History of Radix
The Radix
Pulsation of the Radix
Body Segments
Centering and Grounding
How is Radix done? Therapeutic Tools
The Role of the Therapist
Verbal Work
The Breath
Why do Radix? Benefits and Perspectives of Radix
Radix and Emotions
Trauma and Abuse
Physical Health
Self Esteem
Sexual Issues
Radix and Relationships
Radix, Spirituality and the Purpose of Life
How can you do Radix work?
Training undertaken by Radix Practitioners
Charles Kelley - PDF Downloads
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Life Force… The Creative Process in Man and in Nature
Table of Contents and Sample Pages from Life Force… The Creative Process in Man and in Nature, the final publication of Charles R. Kelley, Ph.D., 2004
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To obtain a copy of the book, click here.
Description of The Radix, 1992, a compilation of writings by Dr. Kelley
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About Reich and Radix: A Memoir
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
Autobiographical account of Kelley’s relationship with Reich during Reich’s last years, and the evolution of his thinking away from the medical model of orgonomy to the development of Radix Education. In CK’s Radix Journal III (1) 1982, reprinted in The Radix 1992.
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Body Contact in Radix Work, 1988
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
Summarizes the nature of, and the uses of physical contact in, Radix work. Outlines possible issues for both teacher and student involving physical contact, and suggests guidelines for touching.
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Chuck Kelley and Radix Neo-Reichian Bodywork
Transcription of an Interview of Charles (Chuck) Kelley by Sandy Shore of Somatics Coalition, Portland, Oregon, February 1998
Informal summary of Radix history and programs, description of sessions, how Kelley/Radix helps under- as well as over-armored people, and tips for finding meaning in life.
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Conflict of Feeling and Purpose, The
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
Discussion of the root conflict between emotional and intellectual behavior in human beings, and its relationship to ethics and morality. Includes the “Radix Algebra of Purpose” using the author’s formal system of identity and antithesis. In The Radix Journal II (3&4), 1980, reprinted in The Radix, 1992.
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Education in Feeling and Purpose
by Charles R. Kelley, Ph.D.
Dr. Kelley’s seminal work concerning muscular armor, programs in “Feeling” and “Self-Direction/Purpose” with examples, and methodology for finding balance between the two. This publication is available in either English or Russian below.
As in THE RADIX compilation of 1992. The original booklet of 1970, revised in 1974, is out of print.
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FREEING THE FEELINGS: Basic Radix Concepts and the Functional Approach, 2007
by Charles R. Kelley, Ph.D.
This is an updated combination of basic conceptual information about the radix, pulsation, charge and discharge, and its application in mobilizing the armor in the characterological pairs of pain/pleasure, fear/trust and anger/love. First presented by Kelley in “Opening the Feelings” 1975, and his Radix Journal of 1978, and revised in THE RADIX, 1992.
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Judaism and Personal Growth
by Charles R. Kelley, Ph.D.
The Yad Vashem memorial; Understanding the Holocaust; Factors in Jewish Achievement; Culture and Biology; Personal Growth and the Jewish Religion.
followed by
Reader Commentaries and Author’s Replies, 1991
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Life and Death of Wilhelm Reich, The
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
This perspective of Reich was written in 1962, only five years after his death. It summarizes Reich’s life, his work, and his struggles with the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) culminating in his imprisonment and death.
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Mysticism and Mechanism
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
An author’s note of 2004 states that the ideas in this article are as relevant now as they were in 1976. Indeed, they have dominated human thought for centuries. He compares and describes character structures as they are predisposed to either mechanistic or mystical thinking.
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New Techniques of Vision Improvement
by Charles R. Kelley, Ph.D.
Synthesizing the work of Wilhelm Reich and of the ophthalmologist William H. Bates was a revolutionary concept in 1971 and, along with the techniques described here, remains valid today. Detailed work with the ocular segment is a unique feature of
Radix bodywork.
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Personal Growth and Psychotherapy in Radix Work
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
Clarification of issues underlying medical versus educational models of psychosomatic practice. In J. Radix Teachers’ Association IV (3) 1991, reprinted in The Radix 1992.
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Primal Scream and Genital Character: A Critique of Janov and Reich
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
An analysis of the thinking of Janov and Reich with regard to the curing of neurosis, exposing the fallacies of each. Kelley traces problems to their medical-model view of blocks to feeling, and recommends an educational model as an alternative.
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“Purpose” Briefs from Chuck Kelley’s Radix Newsletters 1989-1992
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
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Radix as an Adjunct to the Treatment of Cancer, 1980
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
An account of the author’s experience with melanoma and the holistic program he devised to free himself of it, based on the understanding that weakened radix pulsation underlies the development of cancer.
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Radix Charge of Living Places, The
Appendix C of LIFE FORCE, 2004 by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
Describes radix overcharge and its effect on the environment and on human life; gives tips for handling radix overcharge including which types of environments are most favorable to productive charge levels.
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Radix Purpose Work
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
Autobiographical overview of the evolution of the author’s concepts and techniques, with personal experiences of several purpose-oriented programs. In CK’s Radix Journal III (2) 1983, reprinted in The Radix 1992.
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Sex and Religion
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
The Garden of Eden myth; the cosmic dimension in sex and religion; sex as sin; the splitting of love and sex. Answers to questions.
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What is the Matter with Man? The Origin of the Muscular Armor
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
Review of Reich’s observations about the muscular armor and Kelley’s subsequent insights into its positive value as the mechanism of the human will. The dawn of purpose and the mass distortions it can create in society. In CK’s Radix Journal II (1&2) 1979/80, reprinted in The Radix 1992.
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What Is Orgone Energy?
by Charles R. Kelley Ph.D.
A summary of the discovery of orgone energy by Wilhelm Reich, with a listing of its manifestations, properties and applications. Resistance to acceptance of the concept is interpreted by the author as a split between mysticism and mechanism.
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Charles R. Kelley’s Radio Interview With Herschel Lyman, 1974
Interview of Charles Kelley by Herschel Lymon of Pacifica Radio, Los Angeles, CA, 1974, concerning Personal Experiences of Wilhelm Reich, Neo-Reichians, and Kelley’s Approach to Opening the Feelings. Reformatting – Will be available Soon.
This download is in Windows Media Audio (.wma) format. It is 42 minutes in length, 6.2 Mb in size and will take approximately 45 seconds to download in full at standard broadband speed. Your appropriate audio player will automatically open for listening. Please allow time for adequate buffering prior to the audio start. Reformatting – Will be available Soon.
Charles R. Kelley and Nathaniel Branden Dialogue, 1978
The Relationship of Emotional Release and Conceptual Understanding
Dialog between Charles Kelley and Nathaniel Branden on The Relationship of Emotional Release and Conceptual Understanding. Santa Monica, CA, 1978.
This download is in Windows Media Audio (.wma) format. It is 52 minutes in length, 7.5 Mb in size and will take approximately 55 seconds to download in full at standard broadband speed. Your appropriate audio player will automatically open for listening. Please allow time for adequate buffering prior to the audio start. Reformatting – Will be available Soon.
Charles Kelley, Transference in Kelley-Radix Work, 1992
This download is in Windows Media Audio (.wma) format. It is 1 hour in length, 8.7 Mb in size and will take more than one minute to download in full at standard broadband speed. Your appropriate audio player will automatically open for listening. Please allow time for adequate buffering prior to the audio start. Reformatting – Will be available Soon.
Chuck Kelley’s Rendition of The St. James Infirmary Blues
On the occasion of his 80th birthday celebration, Chuck sings his favorite blues song!
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