Radix Institute

The Radix Institute Code of Ethics

The Radix Institute Code of Ethics

Radix practitioners licensed by the Radix Institute agree to be guided in their Radix work by the following Code of Ethics.

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I agree:

1)   To be professional in attitude and conduct, honest, reliable and relations with clients: to keep agreements
and meet appointments on schedule.

2)   To give no Radix sessions  while either myself or the client is under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or intoxicants.

3)   To enter no sexual relation with and make no sexual advance or proposition to any client during any session and to enter no
sexual relation with any client taking ongoing private or group Radix work with me.

4)    To not engage in a sexual relationship with a client after the termination of the professional relationship for a period of
at least 2 years.

5)    To inform prospective clients in writing of the risks of Radix before they enter ongoing work with me and to obtain
clients’ written consent in these matters.

6)    To take into consideration the limits of my skills and the means at my disposal before accepting a request for services
and while carrying it out.  To not undertake professional work for which I am insufficiently prepared.

7)    To seek the advice and counsel of colleagues or supervisors whenever such consultation is in the best interest of the client.

8)    To terminate service to clients, and professional relations with them, when such service and relationships no longer serve
the  clients needs or interests.

9)    To withdraw services precipitously only under unusual circumstances, giving careful consideration to all factors in the
situation and taking care to minimize possible adverse effects.

10)   To terminate service only on just and reasonable grounds.  The following, in particular, are considered just and
reasonable grounds:

a)    Loss of client’s confidence

b)    Lack of further benefit to the client from continued services

c)    Evidence of conflict of interest between the practitioner and the client or of a situation jeopardizing the relationship
between the two.

d)    Incitement by the client to perfom illegal, unfair or fraudulent acts.

11)   To establish fair, reasonable and considerate client fees that will be commensurate with services rendered as well
as with the client’s ability to pay.

12)    To provide my client with all the explanations necessary to the understanding of my statement of fees and terms of payment.

13)    To refrain from the exploitation of professional relationships for personal gain.

14)    To uphold the highest standards regarding basic human rights.  Specifically to not  practice, condone, facilitate or collaborate
with any form of discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, marital status,
political belief, mental or physical handicaps or any other preference or personal characteristic, condition or status.

I agree:

15)    To respect the privacy of personal information gained in group or private sessions.

16)    To divulge information without client consent strictly in cases of life-threatening situations (ex. Homicide, Suicide, Child Abuse, etc.) as required by law or for other compelling professional reasons; to inform clients as to the limits of confidentiality in those situations.

17)    To preserve clients’ anonymity when using information received from her/him for teaching or scientific purposes.

18)    To request all persons attending a group session to respect the confidentiality of any information received during the session.

19)    To reveal no content of session records unless I have written authorization from my client.

20)    To obtain written permission from my client when I want to tape or film a session.

I agree:

21)    To state my training, qualifications and experience with Radix work honestly and represent the work truthfully and in good taste in descriptions, biographies, announcements, advertising, etc., including that “I am a Certified (Adjunct) Radix practitioner” or ”I am a trainee in the Radix Training Program.”

22)    To give credit to the originators of important concepts and techniques I use in or in conjunction with Radix teaching.

23)    To understand and practice Radix work in accord with the spirit as well as the letter of the Code; to inquire of the The Radix Institute when I have problems of interpretation and ambiguity.

24)    To report any possible violations of the Code by Radix Teachers to the Ethics Committee of  The Radix Institute.

25)    To aid The Radix Institute in upholding this Code and to cooperate fully with the investigation of possible violations conducted by the Ethics Committee.

I agree:

26)     To refrain from soliciting the clients of colleagues.

27)     To undertake the appropriate communications with colleagues before assuming professional responsibility for the
clients of colleagues.

I agree:

28)    To refrain from providing sessions to persons with whom I have a relationship that could adversely affect the quality of my work.

29)    To safeguard my professional independence and avoid any situation that could create a conflict of interest in the relationship with my client.

30)    To inform my clients of the nature of a situation of conflict of interest and the direction of my obligations and responsibilities.

31)    To notify clients promptly of anticipated terminations or interruptions of service and seek the transfer, referral or continuation of service in relation to the client’s needs and preferences.

General Guidelines

Research is designed, conducted and reported in accordance with recognized standards of scientific competence and ethical research.  The research is planned and reported so as to minimize the possibility that the results will be misleading.

The researcher considers the ethical acceptability of the project.  If an ethical issue is unclear, the researcher seeks to resolve the issue through consultation with review boards of institutions within which the research is being conducted, animal care and use committees, or other avenues.

Research is conducted in a manner consistent with federal and state law and regulations.  If the research is being conducted in an institution or agency, the researcher provides accurate information regarding the research, and obtains appropriate approval prior to conducting research.

The researcher remains mindful of the dignity and welfare of others, and is committed to doing his/her best to do no harm at any level to the individual, environment, agency/institution, community, Radix community, or public in the conducting, reporting and publishing of any research project.  The researcher consults those with expertise concerning any special population under investigation or most likely to be affected.

Plant and Single-Cell Research

All cell culture methods abide by current federal regulations for the disposal of potential contaminants by autoclavation.

Research with Human Subjects

Prior to conducting research, the researcher makes clear to the participant the nature of the research and the responsibilities of each party, and obtains agreement from participants.  (This is not necessary in research involving only anonymous surveys, naturalistic observations, and certain kinds of archival research.)

Informed consent:  [Informed consent is not necessary in the types of research listed in the exceptions noted above.]

Using language that is reasonably understandable, the researcher informs participants of the following, and obtains written consent which is kept on file:

– the nature of the research;

– that participation is voluntary, and that declining or withdrawal is an option

– any forseeable consequences of withdrawing;

– any factors that may be expected to influence their willingness to participate, such as risks, discomfort, adverse effects, or limits on confidentiality.

– any individual feedback, such as whether and when their individual results will be available to them.

Special care is taken with individuals who are students, clients or subordinates, to protect the participant from adverse consequences of declining or withdrawing from research or from participating in it.

The researcher always obtains informed consent from participants prior to  filming or recording them, unless the research involves simply naturalistic observations in public places and it is not anticipated that the recording could cause personal identification or harm.

In offering professional services as an inducement to obtain research participants, the researcher makes clear the nature, risks, obligations and limitations of the services.

The researcher does not use deception in obtaining informed consent or in the course of research.  If keeping certain information from participants is vital to the research, the participant is debriefed at the conclusion of their participation or at the end of the research.  No information is withheld which might affect a person¹s willingness to participate, such as physical risks, discomfort, or unpleasant emotional experiences.  The researcher informs the participant of anticipated sharing or further use of personally identifiable research data and of the possibility of unanticipated further use.

The researcher provides a prompt opportunity for participants to obtain appropriate information about the nature, results, and conclusions of the research, and clarify any questions or misconceptions the participants may have.

Minimizing Invasiveness:  The researcher interferes with the participants or their milieu only in a manner that is warranted by an appropriate research design.

The researcher takes reasonable measures to honor all commitments made to research participants.

Reporting Results

If the researcher makes available to participants their individual results, such feedback is provided in a manner that is reasonably understandable by the participant.  Such feedback should be in compliance with accepted professional practice regarding the provision of assessment results as described in the ethical codes of the American Counseling Association, the National Association of Social Workers, or the American Psychological Association.

The researcher reports data and results accurately.  If an error is discovered in his/her published data, the researcher takes reasonable steps to correct the error through an appropriate publication means.

The researcher takes responsibility and credit, including authorship credit, only for work he/she has actually  done.  Elements of another¹s work or data  are cited appropriately.

After research results are published, the researcher makes supporting data available to other professionals who seek to verify the claims through reanalysis and who intend to use the data only for that purpose, provided that the confidentiality of the participants can be protected and unless legal rights concerning proprietary data preclude their release.

Radix Institute, November 15, 1999

Copyright © 2019 Radix Institute. All rights reserved.© Radix is a service mark of the Radix Institute.

The Radix Institute is a humanistic, somatically-oriented training organization. The word “radix” is a latin word meaning ‘root’ or “source,” and is used by a variety of institutions and companies in engineering, mathematics, music, etc. The Radix Institute uses the word  to refer to the fundamental energy that unites body, mind and spirit, and has copyrighted its use in the United States, Canada and Australia in a personal growth context. The theories, practices and publications of The Radix Institute have nothing in common with, and are, in fact, antithetically opposed to, the racist, anti-semitic and bigoted viewpoints and publications of some people who, unfortunately, have appropriated and currently use the term “radix.”
How A Client Progresses In Radix Work

There are as many ways to experience Radix Work as there are clients who do the work because every client enters the work with their own unique arrangement of mental and physical armoring (unconscious blocks).  Radix is meant to flow freely in and out, but muscular blocks from chronic tension and unconscious holding patterns can interfere with its free flowing motion in either direction and can even cause it to become stagnant.  While the nuances vary, there are three primary paths to blocking the flow of radix or life force in the body.

The three basic paths of anger, pain and fear develop from the muscular contractions we use to block radix from expressing itself in the mind and body. Like all pulsations in nature, radix moves back and forth – from the core to periphery (outstroke) and then from periphery back to the  core ( instroke). The three negative emotions and their positive correlates form antithetical pairs. Since these pairs use the same pathway in the body for expression, a block to one also blocks the other. Thus, releasing negative blocks opens the flow of positive emotions.   Anger impedes the outstroke, also blocking love.  Fear impedes the instroke, also blocking trust.  Pain impedes motion in both directions, thus blocking pleasure.


How do blocks function?
Each of these blocks tend to produce a particular physio-type and psychological type, so the first task of the Radix practitioner is to identify correctly the character structure of the client by watching the radix metabolism in the body. We all carry anger, pain and fear to some extent, and they are arranged as layers of varying depths that cover the “Real Self” in each of us. The first series of radix sessions focus on identifying the outer most block and works from the top of the body downward to mobilize the held feeling. With practice the blocked emotion comes into conscious contact and expression, opening the feeling pathways. This is a back and forth process in which each opening is usually followed by a mild closure, but over time the channel of expression remains more fully open.

Once the feeling function has been restored in one layer, the client feels better in that emotional domain and the work moves on to encounter the next layer of holding. The process of identifying the block, softening the block and releasing the block to expression continues until the layers and segments of the body are fully open to the flow of radix and the client is aware of its plasmatic movement. Now the learning shifts to acquiring voluntary mental and muscular control in order to define and pursue the client’s goals in life. The techniques in this phase, called “purpose work” vary, but the focus is on building conscious armor rather than releasing unconscious armor.

While feeling work precedes purpose work in many clients, there are others who will benefit from purpose work first. The average client will take from one to three years of consistent body work to come into the desired balance of thinking and feeling — and most will agree that it was worth the time and attention it took to accomplish.  Physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual maladies heal as healthy balance and contact capacity are restored in the client.

Example: Eve
Eve entered Radix work in her mid-thirties as her life was falling apart from deep depression, a divorce, and poor health. Her Radix practitioner saw her high chest, tightly held jaw, projective eyes, and other indicators of her blocked outstroke. He worked with her to help her feel the rage she had been suppressing since her childhood abuse, and then taught her safe and effective ways to express it. Managing her anger, she began to move up the ladder at work and became a supervisor. Having released the anger, she was a much more relaxed and loving person, but the next emotion to surface was a thick layer of pain. Her practitioner took her through different exercises designed to increase pulsation and movement of radix in her body. This layer took two years of monthly work to penetrate, but she experienced steady progress and her life kept improving. She decided to transition out of her technical job and into a field she found more fulfilling.

Having released the pain block, she found herself enjoying life more deeply, and began the journey to uncovering the last block to her authentic Self — fear. This was the most challenging phase for her. She knew how to be angry and could move through her pain, but she did not know how to surrender. She continued working with her Radix practitioner whose skill and support sustained her as she entered the void of her deep fears and emerged safely with a new and integrated experience of her Self.  She began taking charge of her life in a manner that she had not done in the past, setting goals and defining what she wanted from life and relationships. She is now happily married, has a career she enjoys, a family she loves, and good health. While she still faces daily challenges as do we all, she now has the balance, vitality and self-knowledge gained from her radix experience to enjoy her life fully.

The reader may find more information in the free download section, particularly the following monograph:

Education in Feeling and Purpose:  Charles R. Kelley, Ph.D.

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Non-Discrimination Policy

The Radix® Institute does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.  We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our Board, staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

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