About The Radix InstituteThe Radix Institute, founded in 1963, is a nonprofit organization that trains and certifies people to do Radix work, a somatic form of bodywork and psychotherapy that addresses “dis-ease” in a profoundly transformational way. The training program is presented in a series of workshops which can be taken by themselves or can lead to certification as a Radix Practitioner. Radix training is open to mental and physical health professionals and non-professionals alike. Gaining knowledge in the Radix concepts can be a powerful adjunct for existing verbal therapies and bodywork practices or can be the basis of a professional practice in its own right.
For full certification, the central criterion for success in the program is that the trainee is committed to their personal growth and development and become able to work well at a professional level.
The full certification program encompasses
• The study of Radix theory and concepts
• Supervised practice
• Personal experiential work.
For further information contact the Director of Training at
The Radix Institute also provides continuing education in the form of conferences and educational seminars for Radix practitioners and professionals in the helping professions.
The Radix Institute is an organization with a worldwide membership of Certified Practitioners. This organization helps members stay current in their knowledge of Radix work by offering a conferences and publications, and other forms of education.
The Radix Institute is managed by a democratically organized governing structure that also attends to the operations, finances and legal matters of the Institute, Standards and Ethics for its members, and development of the training curriculum.
The Radix Institute is a humanistic, somatically-oriented training organization. The word “radix” is a latin word meaning ‘root’ or “source,” and is used by a variety of institutions and companies in engineering, mathematics, music, etc. The Radix Institute uses the word to refer to the fundamental energy that unites body, mind and spirit, and has copyrighted its use in the United States, Canada and Australia in a personal growth context. The theories, practices and publications of The Radix Institute have nothing in common with, and are, in fact, antithetically opposed to, the racist, anti-semitic and bigoted viewpoints and publications of some people who, unfortunately, have appropriated and currently use the term “radix.”

Central to Radix theory and practice is the concept of a life force or the radix flowing through the body. When this flows freely, there is a grace and harmony in the body and a deep connection with all aspects of the body-mind. Feelings, actions and thoughts are integrated and the person is ‘fully alive’.
The Radix practitioner is especially interested in the pulsation of this life energy as it gathers into the center or core (the instroke) and expands out to the periphery (the outstroke). These connect us respectively to our inner being (the richness of our feelings, intuition, dreams, fantasies etc.) and to the outside world (a way to express our feelings and visions, as well as our relationships, work and day to day functioning). Read More