Radix Institute
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Erica Kelley Tribute Fund
A scholarship fund has been set up for Radix trainees.
See Erica’s Tribute Page Here
If you would like to donate to the fund in Erica’s honor, click the button below (add note that this is an Erica Kelley Tribute in Donation Form):
Please make PayPal payments to information@radix.org

Freeing the Feelings, Dr. Charles Kelley
Reich approached the loosening of the muscular armor structurally. He observed the armor to be arranged in seven somewhat discrete body segments: 1) ocular, 2) oral, 3) cervical, 4) thoracic, 5) diaphragmatic, 6) abdominal, and 7) pelvic. The armor forms lateral patterns of tension in each segment which interfere with the normal longitudinal flow of the life force. A specific longitudinal flow underlies each of the deeper feelings. Reich found that the armor should be loosened systematically from the top down. Problems arose when the armor segments closest to the body core were worked on before the upper segments had been freed (Reich, 1949).
Reich's Segmental Concept
A second approach
This second approach to understanding and opening the feelings typifies Radix work. It is rooted in radix processes, including pulsation, charge, discharge, counterpulsation and blocking and the processes which underlie the major feeling pairs: pain/pleasure, fear /trust, and anger /love. Blocks to these processes and the characterology of those blocking them are major topics of Radix work, and will be discussed later in this article.
Radix Institute Inquiry: Request for Information
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Non-Discrimination Policy
The Radix® Institute does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our Board, staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.