Learn. Educate. Grow

Radix practitioners are certified and licenced by the Radix Institute.
Each practitioner offers in-depth work as a stand alone growth process, an adjunct to on-going therapy or as a trainer for those who wish to help people heal, change personally, emotionally and spiritually as part of the Radix Training Program.


Every other month in North Miami

Ellen Brazer, LMHC, conducts day-long Saturday workshops every other month in North Miami.
Call or email Ellen Brazer for more information.
(305) 947-9211

Ongoing workshops - Québec

Hélène Harvey conducts regular workshops (en francais) in Québec. For complete information and registration please email Hélène or call 418-802-9355.

Ongoing workshops - New Forest, England

Michael Gavin and Michael Randolph, Certified Radix Practitioners, regularly hold weekend workshops in New Forest, England   For more information and to register click here or e-mail

For more information and to register click here



5-day Residential Workshop

New Forest, England

A Special 5-day Residential Workshop will be held November 6-13, 2020, at the Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Activity Center in New Forest, England.  This workshop is open to anyone who has an interest in body-centered personal growth work. This is a lower-cost opportunity for individual and small group bodywork with Radix trainees under expert supervision, and large group experiences with a Certified Radix Practitioner.

Michael Gavin and Michael Randolph, Certified Radix Practitioners, regularly hold weekend workshops in New Forest, England   For more information and to register click here or e-mail

For more information and to register click here


Find a Practitioner in Your Area

Let us know if you can’t find a practitioner near you…

Look for a Workshop or a Group to Attend

Module 5: Sign up for our curriculum – November 10-13, 2020, in New Forest, England.
 Module 6: Sign up for our curriculum – November 10-13, 2020, in New Forest, England.

Module 7: Sign up for our curriculum – April, 2021*, in New Forest, England.
Module 8: Sign up for our curriculum – November 10-13, 2020, in New Forest, England.

*Final April 2021 dates to be announced.

Radix® Practitioners Worldwide

The Radix Institute has certified hundreds of practitioners since its inception. Of these, the practitioners listed below on the Radix Institute website are licensed certified practitioners. Licensed certified practitioners adhere to the standards of practice of Radix, and they agree to be guided in their practice of Radix by the Radix Institute Code of Ethics.

The Radix Institute also has contact information for many practitioners in Europe, as well as certified teachers in the U.S. who are not members at this time. Contact  if you are looking for a teacher/ practitioner who is not in this directory.

To locate a licensed certified RADIX® practitioner near you, please select either a world region or a state for which you would like a referral, then Click here to find a practitioner.

Radix Concepts – Grounded in neuroscience

Radix General Inquires

Call Hours

M-F: 8am – 4pm Weekends: Closed

Phone & Email


founder – Dr. charles Kelley

” It is in the experiencing of the direct flow of feelings that enables one to become aware of the patterns of chronic tensions held in the body.  Armed with this knowledge a person can become more aware, alive and integrated, transforming patterns of behaviors in order to  have to a better developed sense of self and a body free of chronic muscular armor.”
Dr. Charles Kelley


Key Concepts Essential to Radix®

Pulsation: The Flow of the Radix or Life Force

The flow of the radix is the basis for all other Radix concepts.
The Radix practitioner is always observing and working with this energetic flow. In particular its instroke or gathering in and its outstroke or moving out from the center. The gathering in of the radix to the center enables a sense of self contact or being centered. Grounding is the movement of this energy out to the legs, arms and eyes. This enhances contact with reality, the ability to stand firmly in oneself and to receive support from the world, including the ground.




What Student/Trainees are Saying

“The highlight for me was the application of
the theory into the real action by exercising it
in the training day (PD). Very insightful and
without doubt beneficial.”

– Susan R.

“This is excellent training. Narelle is an excellent presenter.  I feel excited by what I’ve learnt and I intend on exploring this area to increase my skills. Very exciting, informative
seminar. Experiential is the best.”

– John M.

“I find the PD’s very informative and
educational for me as a beginner in this field.”

Sandra L.


Radix Institute Inquiry: Request for Information

9 + 14 =

Radix Training Inquiry - Call 310-570-2439 or Fill Out Form

5 + 7 =

Non-Discrimination Policy

The Radix® Institute does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.  We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our Board, staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

NOTICE: There are no Employment Opportunities at this Time.

Please Beware that there is a Phishing Scam Letter from a third party being emailed, pretending to be an agent of the Radix Institute and offering employment opportunities. Please Ignore the Spam Letter or Report it to Your eMail Provider. 


Be Assured:  It is Safe to Explore Our Website.

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