Radix International

Radix Australia

Welcome to the Australian Radix Practitioner Training and Somatic Education Center


Our Training Program Provides Extensive and Comprehensive Training
in Radix® Neo-Reichian Science and applied Bodywork.


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What Is Radix?



Radix is a powerful personal development process or body psychotherapy, which promotes change, growth and healing. The word ‘radix’ means root or source. It is the energy flow that gives rise to and unites the emotions, body, mind and spirit. Radix practitioners work with this energy to free old habits, which have become locked in the body and mind.


In engaging with life, from childhood to adulthood, we develop patterns of behavior and core beliefs that protect but limit us. These patterns are manifested in the mind as defence mechanisms and in the body, by our body shape, movement, breathing patterns and expression. The Radix practitioner looks for the relationship between these patterns and habits, both as they are expressed in the client’s current life and in what is happening on an energetic level in their body.

The client, by working with their body as well as their thinking, discovers experientially, step by step, how the body participates in unconsciously interfering with the way they think, act and feel. This awareness enables them to re-channel and strengthen the flow of the life force, empowering and giving more choice to engage in life more fully.





What Is The Radix Association?


Australian Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy Association (ARBPA) strives to be a vibrant and alive organization that promotes the professional development of the knowledge and practice of Radix.

Members of the organization are committed to bringing life and energy into their professional lives and the lives of the broader community.


 The Australian Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy Association (ARBPA) is a humanistic, somatically-oriented organization. The word “Radix” is a Latin word meaning “root” or “source”, and is used by a variety of institutions and companies in engineering, mathematics, music, etc. ARBPA uses the word to refer to the fundamental energy that unites body, mind and spirit, and have copyrighted its use in the United States, Canada and Australia in a personal growth context.


The theories, practices and publications of ARBPA have nothing in common with, and are in fact antithetically opposed to, the racist, anti-semitic and bigoted viewpoints and publications of some people who unfortunately, have appropriated and currently use the word radix.


Who Are the Trainers?

Narelle McKenzie and Anthea Fraser 
are the current full time members of the Training Faculty.

Jacquie Cliff is the current Trainee Trainer.

Narelle is the Director and Senior Trainer of the Australian Radix Training Centre. She completed her training with the Radix Institute, USA, in 1982 and established a private psychology and psychotherapy practice in Adelaide, Australia.  In 1987, along with Jacqui Showell, she was invited by the Radix Institute, USA to become a trainer. After completing her trainer training she and Jacqui established the Australian Radix Training Centre.

Narelle is a registered psychologist with thirty years experience working in private practice with adults, adolescents, families, couples and groups. She has a Masters degree in developmental psychology and extensive experience and training in psychology and psychotherapy. As part of her consultancy, Narelle has led experiential and training workshops throughout Australia and in the USA and has taught courses in these areas at undergraduate and graduate level at universities in Australia. She is a member of the USA Radix training faculty. In her private practice and training, Narelle draws from a wide range of personal work and professional training in psychotherapy. 

Director of Training: Narelle McKenzie

Ph: 0408809357

Email: narellemckenzie@internode.on.net

Anthea is a Trainer with the Australian Radix Training Centre. She is a Clinical Social Worker with 30 years experience in the fields of mental health, community health, relationships and family work. She a highly experienced counsellor, psychotherapist and group worker. Anthea has facilitated numerous personal growth and issue based groups along with Radix residential workshops and relationship building workshops. She is an experienced supervisor of allied health professionals and students. Anthea has been working in private practice for over 15 years. She was certified as a Radix practitioner in 1997 and has been involved in the Radix Training Program for 6 years. Anthea is also a qualified Imago Relationship Therapist.

As trainers and supervisors with complimentary areas of speciality and competence, Anthea and Narelle bring a true balance and synthesis of the body/mind to the Radix programme.

Trainer: Anthea Fraser

Ph: 08 0398 3102

Email: mailto:antheaf@internode.on.net

Jacquie is a trainee trainer with the Australian Radix Training Centre. She completed her training in Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy in 2010. Jacquie is a counsellor, psychotherapist and group worker who has been in private practice in the Adelaide Hills for the past 8 years. She is also a qualified Imago Relationship therapist and masseur with over 15 years experience in various massage modalities.

 Trainee Trainer: Jacquie Cliff

Ph: 0447044180

Email: info@jacquiecliffradix.com.au

Radix Practitioners


Australian Members

Full members of Australian Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy Association (ARBPA) are Licensed certified practitioners who practice the Radix Approach and adhere to the standards of practice of Radix, and they agree to be guided in their practice of Radix by the
Radix Institute Code of Ethics.

Associate Members of Australian Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy Association (ARBPA) are practitioners who are certified in Radix, but who may not be practicing at this time, may be practicing only online, or may have developed their approach so that they now give their approach another name. They continue to support the work of the Radix Institute, acknowledging the importance of the work in the field of body-psychotherapy and personal growth.

Radix practitioners who are registered with the Australian Radix Body Centered Psychotherapy Association (ARBPA) have trained with The Australian Radix Training Centre in Melbourne or the Radix Institute USA or Europe. They all have a similar high standard of training with a minimum total of 1,500 hours, made up of Personal Work, Theoretical & Conceptual Work, Practice Teaching, Supervision and a quota of other Complimentary Therapy Training/Experience. Belonging to ARBPA means abiding by its Code of Ethics and having to maintain its high professional standards. When choosing a Radix practitioner, it is important to ensure that they are a registered member of ARBPA

Practitioners – Australia

Love, Work and Knowledge: The Life and Trials of Wilhelm Reich





Radix is a regulatory approach both in theory and practice. Our primary focus is working with the pulsation of the life force in the body/mind.  In a practical sense, Radix practitioners focus on the many subtle ways that clients interrupt this pulsation in feeling, thinking and behavior, either by becoming more rigid or by going into chaos.
In particular Radix practitioners are skilled in emotional regulation; they understand the therapeutic benefits of facilitating either emotional expression or containment..


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Non-Discrimination Policy

The Radix® Institute does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.  We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our Board, staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.

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