
Radix Science
An Introduction to Radix® Science lays the groundwork for understanding the principles of  the underlying energy that is fundamental to all living things.
Radix Science informs our understanding and practice of Radix as a therapeutic tool and our investigation into other sciences as well.
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The implications of recent research and findings in neuroscience in the last 10 years have
focused on the dynamic connection between the mind and body, between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and their relationship
to trauma and stress.  We can now begin to integrate such concepts into a working methodology as a healing process.  By understanding our capacity to armor and/or freeze in response to overwhelming distress, we can more effectively address the breakdown on a body level.


The Polyvagal Theory and its application has become central as a working model for a scientific
approach to deeper work in healing trauma and other 
dissociative issues.  Therapists are now acknowleging the need to include the mind and body in therapuetic protocols.  This is an
important beginning.




CHARLES R. (CHUCK) KELLEY, PH.D. was a philosopher of science, an explorer and engineer of the life force, and an applied experimental psychologist. He was a student of Wilhelm Reich, and after Reich’s death in 1957 he published THE CREATIVE PROCESS, America’s only scientific periodical devoted to furthering Reich’s work at that time. By the late sixties he developed his own system of Radix® Education in Feeling and Purpose, and he and his wife Erica ran a retreat center in California until 1987, offering residential programs and training professionals from around the world.


ERICA KELLEY, Erica J. Kelley co-founded Radix Education with her late husband Charles (Chuck) at the turn of the 1970s. She administered facilities in Santa Monica, Santa Barbara and Ojai, California, and trained Radix teachers until retiring from directing Radix Europe in 1989. She continued to assist with the legacy of Chuck’s writings, while enjoying children, grandchildren and the beauties of the Pacific Northwest.

Wilhelm Reich and the Science of Energy

Reich’s concept of the life force differed from the life force concept of predecessors because of the way he observed it and tied it to real natural processes. Reich went from Freud’s libido and the energy of the instincts to the pulsation of the body, charge and discharge, emotion and the action of the muscular armor in blocked emotion.

The Science of Radix


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the works of
Dr. Charles Kelley

Scientific Beginnings:  The Radix Institute was founded in Connecticut in 1960 as the Interscience Research Institute. Several years later the name was changed to Radix. The Institute’s first publication was A NEW METHOD OF WEATHER CONTROL (Kelley, 1961a). In it, I described my weather experiments and the effects of the overcharged “dor” condition at the property in Connecticut including the sickness of my family, the dying of the trees, the blackening of the rocks.

I launched a scientific journal that same year which I named The Creative Process. I had come to conceptualize the life force as the creative process in nature. I meant the term “creative” literally. I still consider my field of study to be that process by means of which the physical world and psychological experience come into being, i.e., are created in the most literal sense.

– From “About Reich and Radix: A Memoir
by Charles R. Kelley

Love, Work and Knowledge: The Life and Trials of Wilhelm Reich

Chuck’s Vision

The Science of Being: Dr. Charles R. Kelley Taught the significance of integrating feeling and purpose…

The insight into the nature and relation of feeling and purpose expressed here is my own, the result of the convergence of two separate channels of my life. After Reich, I studied the biological basis of consciousness and the blocking of deep emotion in man by the chronic tensions Reich called the “muscular armor.”
As Reich had done, I struggled long and unsuccessfully with the problem of the origin of the muscular armor.
– Charles Kelley’s formulation

The animal operates on instinct and feeling, while purpose requires the human mind. The opposition of feeling and purpose is voiced in expressions such as “heart vs. head,” “feeling vs. intellect,” and “emotional vs. rational.” The “feeling” person is thought of as spontaneous, relaxed, open, tender, undisciplined, soft and indulgent. By contrast, the purposive person can be characterized as controlled, tense, guarded, tough, disciplined, hard and stern. These characteristics reflect both the conceptual activity, the body tension, and the emotional blocking required for purposive activity.


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Yet another interesting contrast in this realm is with respect to self-awareness. Feeling is associated with those who are outward, unselfconscious, unselfish. Purpose, then, is associated with reserve, strong self-awareness, and selfishness in the sense that Ayn Rand uses the term (Rand, 1964). The absence of highly developed self-awareness is typical of the primitive and the child. The inward-curling radix flow responsible for purpose generates the awareness of self as one object of consciousness.


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The Science of radix


Focus on Energy and the Life force


Radix is a regulatory approach both in theory and practice. Our primary focus is working with the pulsation of the life force in the body/mind.  In a practical sense, Radix practitioners focus on the many subtle ways that clients interrupt this pulsation in feeling, thinking and behavior, either by becoming more rigid or by going into chaos.
In particular Radix practitioners are skilled in emotional regulation; they understand the therapeutic benefits of facilitating either emotional expression or containment.





What Student/Trainees are Saying

“The highlight for me was the application of
the theory into the real action by exercising it
in the training day (PD). Very insightful and
without doubt beneficial.”

– Susan R.

“This is excellent training. Narelle is an excellent presenter.  I feel excited by what I’ve learned and I intend on exploring this area to increase my skills. Very exciting, informative
seminar.  – John M.

“I find the PD’s very informative and
educational for me as a beginner in this field.”
I feel more confident about
my choice to pursue
this field.    – Sandra L.

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