Radix Institute
Radix Training Certification Program
Training Certification Program
Please note: We are not currently taking applications for the Certification Program in the United States. The certification program is being offered in Australia. Go to https://www.radixaustralia.com.au/training-in-radix.
The Radix Institute offers in-depth training for those who wish to help people heal and change personally, emotionally and spiritually. This program is designed for any individual who wishes to learn the theory, skills and the “art” of body-centered therapy. Radix Training is particularly appropriate for mental and physical health workers who wish to deepen the work that they do with their clients, and facilitate long-term personality change.
Level One: Introduction to familiarize people with the basic concepts of the Radix approach, with an emphasis on how we holistically integrate Mind, Emotions and the Body. Level 1 consist of one 5-day workshop (Module 1). This workshop is required for anyone wishing to become a certified Radix Practitioner, although it may be taken out of sequence, but prior to attending modules in Level 3.
Read more about Modules 1 here.
Level Two: This level provides more depth in understanding and application of the basic concepts to oneself as an individual and a practitioner, and to one’s clients. The modules can be taken in any order and all are a pre-requisite for Level 3 modules. An online group consultation will be held one month after completion of each module.
Read more about Modules 2 and 3 here.
The full curriculum of Modules is outlined on the Education Workshops page. The Modules will be offered in the United States on the following schedule during 2024-2026:
Module 1 Integrating Mind, Body and Emotions in Therapy: A Holistic Approach. Winter 2024-2025 (online)
Module 2 The Body as the Doorway to Intervention February 2024 online
Module 3 Pulsation, Grounding and Presence. May 2024 in-person
At this time, trainees begin supervised practice
Experiential Training Workshop. Summer 2024 in-person
Module 4 Embodiment for Support, Boundaries and Regulation
May 2024 in-person
Module 5 The Experience, Expression and Regulation of Emotions Fall 2024 (in-person)
Module 6 Attachment, Development and Trauma Spring 2025
Module 7 Early Development and Character Structure Summer 2025
Module 8 Relationships and Transference from a Somatic Perspective held with Experiential Training Workshop August 2025 in-person
Module 9 Sexuality November 2025 in-person
Module 10 Integration, Purpose and Enabling the Attainment of Goals. January 2026 in-person
While the modular system allows people in the helping professions to take Modules out of order, for those entering the Certification program, all Modules must be taken in order starting with Module 1.
- Experiential personal growth with a Radix practitioner
- Conceptual and technical training of the theory and techniques of Radix work
- Practice teaching, developing the skills to apply the knowledge.
- Complete all twelve modules
- Complete 160 hours of personal Radix work
- Audit four Radix personal growth workshops
- Clinical Practice of 200 hours applying Radix concepts to members of a Client Group
- Participate in monthly supervision of Clinical Practice
- Write monthly reports of your Radix work with client group and review with supervisor
- Twenty hours of In-Vivo supervision of Radix work with Clients.
- Write three major projects related to one’s own personal growth and relationships
- Complete three written exams, two of which are take home
- As a Final Assessment, conduct a three session workshop observed by Radix Institute staff, and discussed in
depth with observer.
Trainees may be asked to do additional work, or, in exceptional cases, be excused from that which is clearly unnecessary.
Contact Director of Training Narelle McKenzie for details: 310-570-2439 or email her at training@radix.org. Be sure to ask about opportunities for training if you are a therapist in the mental health professions.
Selection for participation in the training program is not subject to race, sex, creed, color or educational level. Although most people entering the program are from the helping professions or allied health areas, this is not a rigid criterion for admission.
- Please feel free to read the first seminar of the Radix Training:
- Therapeutic Goals and Concepts of Radix Work.
- Radix® Training
- Introduction to the Radix Institute Training Program
The Radix Institute has been training professionals in neo-Reichian theories and techniques since the early seventies — and its training program has been designed to give trainees the most comprehensive professional education possible in the neo-Reichian approach. The three aspects of the training are:
1. The trainee’s ongoing experiential work, which begins prior to acceptance into the formal program and continues at least to the conclusion of training;
2. Theoretical and conceptual materials; and,
3. Practice teaching.
The heart of Radix training, and the necessary bedrock upon which a trainee appropriately and successfully applies his training, is the personal experiential process of the trainee. It is essential to the unfolding process of a Radix student/client that his or her teacher/therapist has explored the depths of his/her own experience. When the practitioner has learned to surrender to, and be supportive of, their own deepest primary processes, they will consequently be able to encourage like processes with clients. This self exploration and growth, in conjunction with the learning of theoretical materials, is the basis of a successful application of neo-Reichian principle.
The program is moderately expensive and requires planning and preparation by a prospective trainee. Some of the costs of the program can be offset by fees from clients in their practice group.
If you are unfamiliar with Radix work, some individual sessions or a workshop — along with the information contained herein should give you a sense of whether you wish to pursue Radix work, either for your own personal growth and/or your professional practice.
Overview of Radix Institute Training Program
Radix training may be taken in many places throughout the world, though travel will be required from some locations to get approved experiential work, to obtain in-person supervision and to attend regional training workshops and extended summer training workshops.
There are three aspects to the training program, all essential. The first is experiential work: the trainee must open emotionally, experience the process deeply, gain self-understanding and have grown significantly as a consequence. The second is conceptual, technical knowledge: the trainee must come to understand the work well and become familiar with relevant books and articles. The third is practice teaching, developing the skills to apply his knowledge. Occasionally, outside work i.e., work other than Radix work, is sometimes expected. Each trainee maintain two notebooks: a journal his/her personal growth, and a notebook that serves as a reference manual for teaching techniques.
The Radix Training Program is open to professionals and non-professionals alike. While Radix work requires a high level of skill: openness, empathy, and self-understanding are of utmost importance. These are not qualities typically developed in academic and professional schools, but are regularly developed by this work.
The training program requires self-discipline to apply your efforts to a long-range objective. The training program is difficult and requires the development of conceptual understanding through study, as well as the mastery and understanding of subtle techniques. Written work is required, and exams are structured into the program. However, the central criterion for success in the program is the development of a high level of skill in working with clients.
Early Reichian work happened within the confines of the medical model which assumes that persons who are troubled or distressed are sick or unhealthy. The Radix model, which is educational, is a program of education in feeling and purpose, which proceeds within a context of development and growth, and looks at the obstacles to growth. The student is encouraged to become an active participant in his own process of change, appreciating the context in which his defense arose, and learning both the expression and containment of feeling.
In Radix work the emphasis is on process, the ongoing, living, dynamic process of shutting down feelings or opening to their expression in the body and in life, increasing contact with oneself and realizing one’s potential in work and in life.
Criteria for Admission to the Radix Training Program
This Training Program is available to professionals and non professionals alike. However, the Radix Certification program is equivalent to a postgraduate level course,, trainees must be able to master conceptual and technical material at a professional level of competence and to have a fully professional attitude towards their work.
The aim, the focus, and the central criterion for success in the program is that the trainee become able to do the work well. Applying the skills and knowledge are of primary importance.
Potential trainee must satisfy the following criteria for admission:
1) A commitment to their own personal growth and development and an eager desire to apply their learning to themselves and those with whom they wish to work. Application to the program includes:
- A recommendation, preferably from a Certified Radix Practitioner or someone familiar with and able
to judge such development. - A written Autobiography of Feeling
2) An aptitude for professional quality written and spoken class work and an ability to understand concepts, master techniques and effectively apply the knowledge and skill gained.
3) A demonstrated capacity for self initiative. Initially this will be reflected in previous professional employment and personal achievements as listed in the application form and the admissions interview. This ability for self-initiative is essential to meet the challenge of recruiting, organizing, finding and providing the facility for teaching their own Radix practice group in an independent, ethical and professional manner.
Selection for participation in the training program is not subject to race, sex, creed, color or educational level. Although most people entering the program are from the helping professions or allied health areas, this is not a rigid criterion for admission.
Philosophy of the program
Radix was founded in the early 1970’s by Dr. Charles Kelley, Ph.D, who believed that the most empowering learning model is an educational one where the therapist is a resource person facilitating the growth and healing of the client. This philosophy still underpins the Radix training program and the practice of Radix. Initially within the Radix community practitioners were referred to as teachers to reflect this philosophy. More recently, in line with shifts in community attitudes to therapy and personal growth, Radix practitioners may more often refer to themselves as “body-centered therapists” or “somatic therapists.”
Fundamental beliefs in the Radix approach are that the client’s process of self-discovery is primary, clients have the resources to heal themselves, and each individual is on a unique journey. There is no dichotomy between body and mind. Hence, freeing the flow of the life force facilitates clear thinking, feeling, and congruent intent and action, and the natural resolution of problems. When engaged in a Radix session, the client and the Radix practitioner are equal partners in this process.
Touch is fundamental for healing and growth. Throughout the Radix training program, trainees are educated thoroughly in the appropriate use of therapeutic touch.
The personal work of the trainee is central to his or her development as a Radix practitioner. A willingness to commit to ongoing reflective learning is required for all aspects of the training program, whether this be formal study and written assignments, supervision of clinical practice or mastery of concepts and their application. The capacity to self-reflect with body and mind contributes to the quality of one’s training and the ability of the Radix trainee to complete training successfully. All trainees are required to pursue a personal growth program on a regular basis with a Radix practitioner for the duration of the training course and submit a paper in the second half of training discussing fully their own Radix process and how it interacts with and effects the process of others.
We believe that the apprentice model of learning, combining theory, practice, supervision and personal work, provides the highest quality training.
General Description of the Program
The Radix training program is taught in a series of modules. The modular structure of the training gives flexibility as to when a trainee enters the program, begins their individual experiential work, and begins working with students or clients of their own.
The Radix Training Program is designed to give its trainees a very comprehensive education in the theory and practice of Radix body psychotherapy, the relationship of Radix to other somatic therapies and its place in clinical practice.
Training develops skills through three areas of focus:
- The trainee’s own ongoing experiential work, which may begin prior to acceptance into the formal program and continues at least to the conclusion of training. It is important to the process of a client that the therapist has explored the depths of their own experience, and is able to surrender to, and to be supportive of, their own deepest primary processes. This provides a solid grounding for the encouragement and support of these developments in their clients and creates a firm base of self-knowledge and relational capacity to underpin one’s work as a psychotherapist.
- The study and application of theoretical and conceptual concepts underlying Radix body psychotherapy. These concepts are practically experienced, discussed and integrated into a clinical understanding. Teaching methods include audio files and written reading materials, short seminars, experiential and training workshops, research and written assignments, group presentations, practical and written exams and supervision.
- Supervised practice teaching. During the first year of training, each trainee must establish a small practice group with whom they work individually and in group and workshop settings. This enables the specific concepts, applications and interventions taught to be practiced and supervised in depth.
Chronological Overview
Level 1: The Basic Concepts of Radix Work
Goal: For the student to develop a solid understanding of the basic concepts of Radix work and the skills to apply these concepts appropriately in their regular practice. It is a recommendation that this Module is completed before attending any of the other modules, particularly if choosing the certification program.
Module 1 – Five-Day Workshop: Integrating Mind, Emotions and the Body in Therapy: An Holistic Approach
Level Two: This level provides more depth in understanding and application of the basic concepts to oneself and to others. The modules can be taken in any order and all are a prerequisite for Level 3 modules. An online group consultation will be held one month after completion of each module.
Module 2 – The Body as the Doorway to Intervention
Module 3 – Reclaiming the Body, Acceptance and Personal Empowerment.
Grounding the Body and Restoring Contact
Module 4 – Embodiment for Support, Boundaries, Regulation
Module 5 – Affect: Experience, Expression and Regulation
Level Three: This level applies the basic Radix concepts to common therapeutic and personal growth concerns with the goal of deepening one’s understanding of Radix processes and the ability to apply Radix theory, and to build a bridge between Radix and other somatic and non somatic psychotherapy and personal growth approaches. More application of interventions in workshops. A minimum of fifteen personal Radix sessions is a requirement to attend these workshops
Module 6 – Attachment, Development and Trauma
Module 7 – The Relationship Between Early Development and Character Structure
Module 8 – Relationships and Transference from a Somatic Perspective
Module 9 – Sexuality
Module 10 – Integration, Purpose and Enabling the Attainment of Goals
Level Four: Developing Radix Professional Skills This level is primarily geared toward those in the certification training program
Module 11 – Applying Radix Concepts to Current Therapeutic Issues
Module 12 – The Radix practitioner as a professional, Radix and Group Work
Practice After Certification
The term “Radix” is a registered Service Mark of The Radix Institute. Completion of The Radix Institute Training Program qualifies a person to practice Radix work independently. Radix practitioners who are members of The Radix Institute agree to observe the Radix Practitioners Code and Rules and Standards of The Radix Institute.
Radix Institute Training Program Costs
As Level One workshops can be taken on their own, costs are determined on a workshop-by-workshop basis, but are estimated to be approximately $1800 per 5-day training in the U.S.
- For the Certification Program, additional costs would include
- Supervision, including at least ten supervision conferences for Levels 1 and 2
- Materials (books, printed materials, etc. Most materials are in pdf or MP3 fomat, so do not cost)
- Exams
- Experiential sessions
- Personal room and board at training workshops
- Travel where applicable
- Supplies, books and rental space for practice group
If you are interested in receiving a complete training program information packet that further details the program, its requirements, and its costs, please send an email.
Copyright © 2019 Radix Institute. All rights reserved. © Radix is a service mark of the Radix Institute.

Non-Discrimination Policy
The Radix® Institute does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our Board, staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.